Next Gen Tech [image]
Next Generation Technology
Tue, 7 May 2024
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"Those who aspire to greatness often hoard their knowledge, but those that share their knowledge, and help others achieve great things, create an echo that allows for far greater achievement that one may obtain alone." -Mai Yuun


Lightsaber Blaster Vehicles Robotics Energy sources Other
A working lightsaber Directed-energy ranged weapon Flying vehicles, hovering vehicles, etc. High-tech robotics Smaller/more efficient energy sources Other technology

The way I see it, the only way we (mankind in general) are going to be able to build any of the above technologies is if we work together. I've seen forums turn into flame wars because people were selfish with their ideas and nobody trusted each other. The only reason we have the technology we have today is because people worked together, shared ideas, and improved on each other's ideas. Thus, technology has been advancing exponentially (take CPUs for example) because technology has been building on itself. This sort of advancement cannot happen unless people are allowed to improve upon each other's ideas, which obviously cannot happen unless people share each other's ideas. Thus, please share your ideas with others, as this is the only way a real lightsaber (or anything else listed here for that matter) is going to happen. Thanks for taking the time to read this; now feel free to browse the ideas I have up here, and remember I appreciate your feedback!

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Site created and maintained by Xaravis Noctis. This site is purely for informational and entertainment purposes. Many thanks to George Lucas and Lucasfilm for not shutting down sites like this.